Disgruntled Autoworker # 20 November 05'
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied
10.08.05: Baltimore City Police Commissioner Hamm,
On 09.09.01 a Flyer (attachment 1) was circulated at a Union Meeting, prior to my arrival, and in the GM Baltimore Assembly Plant where I work the following Monday. The Flyer revealed indiscretions of my youth. It was circulated to discredit me because of my concerted union activities. I write the Disgruntled Autoworker and Observations Newsletters that exposes UAW International and Local Union Reps as lires, thieves, thugs and punks. FYI; My Newsletters can be viewed at, www.DisgruntledAutoworker.com
At the time the Flyer concerned me, but I didn’t think there would be any way to prove when or who accessed my Personal Records. I suspected Union Reps and/or GM Baltimore’s Management (Mgt) Personnel was behind this violation of my privacy, because my Newsletters have disrupted the toclose relationship that exists between Them.
I didn’t look into the Flyer’s origins. I chalked the incident up to experience and resigned myself to the fact that when exposing lires, thieves, thugs and punks, this sort of retaliation is to be expected. Then I decided to run for Union Office, and that’s when the source of the information surfaced. On 04.23.05 an FBI Printout (attachment 2) of my Personal Record was circulated in the Allison Transmission Plant, one of 3 Plants my Local represents. I waited until after the elections to investigate the Printout’s source.
On 05.12.05 I spoke to Special Agent Michelle Moyer of the Baltimore FBI. I gave her my phone number and copies of the Flyer and Printout. After a brief conversation, she informed me that she’d look into it. I left with the impression that I won’t hear from her. So on 05.14.05 I sent the Flyer and Printout to FBI Special Agent in Charge, Gary M. Bald. As of the date of this letter, the FBI has not responded.
On 05.19.05 I spoke with Sergeant Leonard of the Baltimore County PD Fraud Unit. Sgt. Leonard told me that, “A union member distributing my file is a misdemeanor, however, an Officer accessing and distributing it is a crime.” He told me to call Baltimore City Police Internal Affairs Sergeant Sturm, because the ID number, MDBPD1F1, listed on the FBI Printout is a City Police Department ID.
I called Sergeant Sturm and he passed me off to Detective Sturgis who asked me to fax him the FBI Printout. I did. He told me I would hear from an investigating detective the following Monday. I waited a month and on 06.14.05 I called and was told that Lt. John Delgado of the Internal Affairs Division (IAD) was assigned the case. Lt. Delgado told me the NCIS record at the FBI is in the computers for life, and that it will take about 4 or 5 months to complete an Investigation. I fail to understand why it would take so long, but I gave the BCPD the benefit of doubt and waited 4 months.
On 10.03.05 I called Lt. Delgado of IAD. He told me the investigation is close to completion and that I should hear something soon, although he wouldn’t commit to how soon is soon. He also told me that he thinks the Officer responsible for accessing my Personal Records may no longer be employed, he didn’t specify if the Officer retired, transferred or what.
Lt. Delgado also told me that the Statute of Limitations might have run its course since the Printout was originally accessed on 09.06.01, however I may still be able to pursue the case in Civil Court. I called Sgt. Leonard to confirm Lt. Delgado’s timeline, which he did. He also planted the seed in my mind that the Statute of Limitations may be a year from the day I became aware of the FBI Printout, which was 04.23.05.
Based on the above information, I believe Lt. Delgado already knows the name of the Officer who accessed the FBI’s database to Printout my Personal Record, and illegally distributed it for malicious use by unscrupulous individuals. And I believe he’s holding back the name to protect the Officer, because it may be someone influential or a decorated Officer, either way it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I lost an election by eleven votes and this Officer may be partially responsible by violating my right to privacy.
And I got the impression that Lt. Delgado was trying to discourage me from pursuing this matter when he brought up the Statute of Limitations. I thought about calling his superior, Colonel Walter Tuffy, but I decided to go over his head instead to expedite the investigation and the subsequent disclosure of its results, because I’m concerned that justice delayed will be justice denied.
I don’t want this matter to drag out any longer than necessary out of concern that Sgt. Leonard may be correct about the Statute of Limitations. My intent is not to prosecute the Officer who violated my right to privacy. My hope is that the Officer involved, to avoid prosecution, will reveal who requested the FBI Printout of my Personal Record so that I can pursue charges, or confront those responsible, be it a Union Rep, a GM Mgt official, or one of Their Private Investigators or Agencies.
Therefore Commissioner Hamm, seeing as how the FBI is neck deep in Homeland Security issues and too busy to take on issues of this nature, I ask that you please look into this violation of my privacy, or assign someone to expedite the investigation and forward their findings to me so that I can confront those responsible and take appropriate action.
Thank you. Sincerely, Doug Hanscom
I cc’d the above letter to the Colonel, the FBI, the County Sergeant and now you the Membership. Two days after the Commissioner received my letter, I had an irate phone message on my machine from Lt. Delgado, but decided to let him cool off for 24 hours. I called him back the next day and he was still upset. He said, “You can write all the letters you want, but it won’t change a thing.” I said, “I do it to document my efforts.” Again he said matter-of-factly, “You can write all the letters in the world, and it won’t change how I do my job. I’m just letting you know where I stand.” I said, “And you know where I stand.” We then set up an appointment for me to give a written deposition.
Not wanting to go alone, I took a friend as a witness. A different Detective met us. When I asked about Lt. Delgado, Detective Williams said that she was assigned the case, and she said this in such a way so as not to leave room for discussion. Fine. She brought in a witness too. I gave my deposition.
The next day I received a letter from the Commissioner that advised me that my case has been forwarded to Colonel Tuffy of IAD and that I will be notified upon completion of the investigation.
A Baltimore City Grand Jury is currently investigating the public’s (trust) perception of the Baltimore City Police. So two days later I sent the above information to the Assistant U.S. States Attorney Michael Hanlon and asked that he include it in the Grand Juries investigation. The States Attorney assured me that he would review my letter and see to it that it is forwarded to the proper authorities.
Don’t get me wrong; I don’t believe the Baltimore City Police are corrupt, or not trustworthy. I believe the Police Department, like our unions; have unsavory characters within their ranks that abuse their authority for purely selfish reasons, and with total disregard for everyone else. Unfortunately, it’s the unsavory characters that control the majority of our unions, however, I don’t think that’s the case with the Police Department. I believe there are way more good Cops than bad ones, although, now I’ll have to be on the look out for the bad ones, because, instead of blaming the unsavory characters for circulating the wealth of information in the FBI Printout, they’ll blame me for pursuing justice.
And lastly, the other day I talked to a retired City Cop about all the above and he suggested that I hire a lawyer or call the American Civil Liberties Union, because my right to privacy was violated and I may be able to file a suit against the Baltimore City Police Department. I decided to write the ACLU and ask them for assistance. And like I told the Commissioner, I don’t want to prosecute the Officer, I just want to know who he gave my personnel information to so I can take appropriate action.
As you see, I have a lot of pokers in the fire over this issue; I’ll let you know which one gets the hottest.
In Solidarity, Doug Hanscom