Disgruntled Autoworker

The Disgruntled Autoworker and Observations Newsletters were written by UAW member, and GM employee Doug Hanscom (retired 03.31.09). Their purpose was to inform and educate the union's membership about the devastating effect the UAW International Executive Board's Joint Partnerships with GM, Ford & Chrysler Corporate Executives were having on International and Local Union politics, and on working conditions in assembly and parts plants nationwide. The once adversarial UAW morphed into a (sissified) go along to get along Union. In time the IEB became full-fledged partners (tratiors) of the corporations much to the chagrin of many Local Union Officers and Members; thereby forcing some officers and members to form dissident movements New Directions, Soldiers of Solidarity and Autoworker Caravan, to name a few, which unsucessfully challenged Corp/IEB policies and programs implimented in plants and forced on local unions.

A major consequence of the partnerships was rampant nepotism and favoritism in the selection and appointment of people to fill the dozens of shop floor positions created by the partnership's policies and programs that at first fostered envy, then resentment and in some incidences hostilities between appointees and members with more seniority or more qualifed for said positions. Often with an assist from plant management, the local union's pro-partnership incumbents quickly learned to use their newly created Appointee Army as a campaign tool to ensure the longevity of the pro-partnership caucus in future local elections, thereby rendering the membership's influence in their local and international union moot.

While my newsletters were instrumental in helping to unseat pro-partnership, ergo, corrupt union officials in Baltimore's local, our success was quickly undermined by meddling UAW International officers, in many incidences with the help of their corporate partners in the plant. Membership representation took a back seat to the partnerships. Our local was just one of many around the country that faced interference by International officials and their corporate partners. Some of their stories are in the pages below. The lesson learned is; unseating corrupt local union officials is futile, which brings to mind a military idiom, and that is to remedy corruption in the locals, one must cut off the heads of the snakes at the International. Of course I don't mean literally, but the crux of all that is wrong with the UAW is the single party slate that has occupied the IEB since the UAW's creation in 1937. Unless they are unseated or dealt with in the same manner they've dealt with rogue locals and dissension, they will continue to supersede the will of the membership.

Free Speech Violation & Precedent Setting Victory

In October of 06, my free speech rights were compromised in the GM/UAW Local 435 Wilmington, Delaware Assembly plant. Management reprimanded me for allegedly violating Plant Rule 29, “The making or publishing of false, vicious, or malicious statements concerning any employee, Advisor, the Company or its products.” I believed the reprimand was unwarranted and unjust, and used as a tool to silence me. I did not circulate another newsletter out of fear additional bogus charges could lead to my dismissal. I had to demand a grievance, and experience taught me that UAW International and Local Reps will deliberately drag out a resolution to prolong my silence. To follow my two year quest for justice that resulted in a precedent setting victory, begin with the newsletter that started it all, read "Gobs and Yum Yums" here.

Disgruntled Autoworkers  Observations

Disgruntled Autoworker # 61 - Apr. 10'

Motion to be Silent

Disgruntled Autoworker # 60 - Dec. 09'

Not a Satisfied Customer

Disgruntled Autoworker # 59 - Nov. 09'

A Clunker for A Lemon

Disgruntled Autoworker # 58 - Mar. 09'

Gypsy's Curse

Disgruntled Autoworker # 57 - Feb. 09'

Russian Roulette

Disgruntled Autoworker # 56 - Jan. 09'

Another PATCO

Disgruntled Autoworker # 55 - Dec. 08'

NLRB Closure

Disgruntled Autoworker # 54 - Nov. 08'

Big 3 Bailout

Disgruntled Autoworker # 53 - October 08'

PRB’s Ignorance - Hypocrites

Disgruntled Autoworker # 52 - August 08'


Disgruntled Autoworker # 51 - July 08'

Change Is Imminent

Disgruntled Autoworker # 50 - April 08'

UAW PRB Appeal Update

Disgruntled Autoworker # 49 - March 08'

Walking Bull's-eyes

Disgruntled Autoworker # 48 - January 08'

Appeal to the UAW's Public Review Board

Disgruntled Autoworker # 47 - October 07'

NLRB Update, Case Closed

Disgruntled Autoworker # 46 - October 07'

Liars, Thieves, Thugs, & Punks

Disgruntled Autoworker # 45 - Sept. 07'

Not One Step Back

Disgruntled Autoworker # 44 - Sept. 07'

VEBA; A Prescription for Disaster

Disgruntled Autoworker # 43 - August 07'

NLRB, Updates I & II

Disgruntled Autoworker # 42 - July 07'

Wilmington Observations - And More

Disgruntled Autoworker # 41 - June 07'

NLRB, Three Updates

Disgruntled Autoworker # 40 - May 07'

Collateral Damage

Disgruntled Autoworker # 39 - April 07'

NLRB Update, Appeal

Disgruntled Autoworker # 38 - Mar. 07'

NLRB Update, Allison Recall Rights

Disgruntled Autoworker # 37 - Feb. 07'

Spitting on Reuther's Graves


Disgruntled Autoworker # 36 - Dec. 06'

Balance Of the Shift - Sanctioned Violence


Disgruntled Autoworker # 35 - October 06'

The Finger From Gettelfinger - NLRB Charge - Gobs and Yum Yums


Disgruntled Autoworker # 34 - August 06'

Snakes in Our Halls


Disgruntled Autoworker # 33 - August 06'

Lose Ends; Victory - Victory's Bittersweet - Veterans - The Sick Building - It's Wagoner's Fault - Not Validated - Goodbye Baltimore, Hello Wilmington

Disgruntled Autoworker # 32 - August 06'

Screwed, Blued & Tattooed

Disgruntled Autoworker # 31 - August 06'

*34th UAW Constitutional Convention Report

Disgruntled Autoworker # 30 - June 06'

Jobs Bank Update II

Disgruntled Autoworker # 29 - May 06'

Jobs Bank Update

Disgruntled Autoworker # 28 - April 06'

33rd UAW Con Con Revisited

Disgruntled Autoworker # 27 - March 06'

Justice Denied

Disgruntled Autoworker # 26 - March 06'

Ford Retirees Fight for Benefits

Disgruntled Autoworker # 25 - January 06'
Amicus Brief

Disgruntled Autoworker # 24 - Dec. 05'
GM Retirees, Fight for Benefits, Steps I & II

Disgruntled Autoworker # 23 - Dec. 05'
A Contract is a Contract

Disgruntled Autoworker # 22 - Dec. 05'
Traitors of the People

Disgruntled Autoworker # 21 - Nov. 05'
Don't Sell-Out Retirees, Vote NO Concessions

Disgruntled Autoworker # 20 - Nov. 05'
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

Disgruntled Autoworker # 19 - October 05'
UAW/GM Jointness and a Conflict of Interest

Disgruntled Autoworker # 18 - Sept. 05'
Appeal UAW Umpire's Decision & Amendment

Disgruntled Autoworker # 17 - August 05'
Death of the American Dream

Disgruntled Autoworker # 16 - April 05'
Open to Letter to UAW President Gettelfinger - Hostile Work Environment

Disgruntled Autoworker # 15 - Nov. 04'
Congressman Ruppersberger - Jointness Undermines Solidarity and Democracy

Disgruntled Autoworker # 14 - June 04'
UAW International Co-manages Workforce

Disgruntled Autoworker # 13 - Feb. 04'
Fear of Retaliation in the UAW

Disgruntled Autoworker # 12 - August 03'
The Claws of Retaliation

Disgruntled Autoworker # 11 - June 03'
Traitors Promoting Traitors

Disgruntled Autoworker # 10 - April 03'
Bogus Union Meetings

Disgruntled Autoworker # 9 - October 02'
An Open Letter to UAW President Gettelfinger - Slashing Health Benefits

Disgruntled Autoworker # 8 - Sept. 02'
*33rd UAW Constitutional Convention Report

Disgruntled Autoworker # 7 - March 02'
Your local could be next

Disgruntled Autoworker # 6 - October 01'
Traitors in the UAW

Disgruntled Autoworker # 5 - July 01'
Dynasties in the UAW

Disgruntled Autoworker # 4 - March 01'
Open Letter to UAW President Yokich

Disgruntled Autoworker # 3 - Dec. 00'
A Gypsy's Tale - & - I Want Pride in My Union Back

Disgruntled Autoworker # 2 - October 00'
UAW, The Pride is Gone

Disgruntled Autoworker # 1 - July 00'
Clingers and Appointees

Wilmington, DE - Observations

Local 435 Observations # 01 - December 08'

Baltimore, MD - Observations

Local 239 Observations # 38 - June 05'
Deja vu

Local 239 Observations # 37 - May 05'
A Heartfelt Thanks

Local 239 Observations # 36 - March 05'
The GOBs Seal of Approval

Local 239 Observations # 35 - January 05'
Knight In Shining Armor

Local 239 Observations # 34 - September 04'
Gaud-awful T-shirts

Local 239 Observations # 33 - August 04'
Double Standards Again

Local 239 Observations # 32 - April 04'
Double Standards

Local 239 Observations # 31 - March 04'
03 Highlights, Unfinished Business

Local 239 Observations # 30 - December 03'
The Highest Authority

Local 239 Observations # 29 - October 03'
03 Highlights, The First Lie

Local 239 Observations # 28 - September 03'
Vote Them Out

Local 239 Observations # 27 - June 03'
More BS about SWGs

Local 239 Observations # 26 - May 03'
The Fox and the Hen House

Local 239 Observations # 25 - March 03'
Two more Letters

Local 239 Observations # 24 - February 03'
Ongoing Investigation and Determination

Local 239 Observations # 23 - January 03'
GOBs Dinner Derailed

Local 239 Observations # 22 - December 02'
Four Letters

Local 239 Observations # 21 - November 02'
Rubber Stamped Response

Local 239 Observations # 20 - September 02'
Petitioned for Disloyalty

Local 239 Observations # 19 - May 02'
Local 239 Election Results

Local 239 Observations # 18 - May 02'
Stop Complaining and Vote

Local 239 Observations # 17 - April 02'
On Going Problem Needs Attention

Local 239 Observations # 16 - March 02'
An Open Letter to UAW and AFL-CIO Presidents - I will not be silenced

Local 239 Observations # 15 - January 02'
For Your Information

Local 239 Observations # 14 - December 01'

Local 239 Observations # 13 - September 01'
Letter to Comp Law Firm

Local 239 Observations # 12 - June 01'
Quality Creates Customer Enthusiasm, What Does This Mean to You?

Local 239 Observations # 10 - April 01'
Be Aware

Local 239 Observations # 9 - March 01'
Want Ads

Local 239 Observations # 8 - February 01'
Radio on the Web

Local 239 Observations # 7 - January 01'
One less is positive

Local 239 Observations # 6 - December 00'
Elections and Hijacked

Local 239 Observations # 5 - November 00'
Believe It or Not

Local 239 Observations # 4 - September 00'

Local 239 Observations # 3 - June 00'
Petition and Pride

Local 239 Observations # 2 - May 00'
Local 239 and Ramblings

Local 239 Observations # 1 - January 00'
Document 28's and Things

Local 239 Observations - January 00'
Local 239, my union as I see it