Observations #3
June 2000
All I ask from our union leaders is honesty, fairness
and the respect that I feel we deserve. Since we're not
going to get it, I will continue to write these letters
to expose their self-centered egotistically selfish behavior.
Waste of time or not, someone has to do it and I have the
In my letters I've written about issues I hear people talking
about in little groups here and there. We need to organize
all these little groups and it looks like we're headed in
the right direction, more on that in a second. I haven't
written about anything you didn't already know and I didn't
make anything up. I've tried to be as true and accurate
as possible based on what I've seen and heard with the hope
of shaming our officials into doing what's right, but I
guess I've set my sites too high. Oh well, I'll hang in
there and see how it plays out.
Nepotism, the word that got everyone's attention and also
put a certain young lady in the spotlight. Hats off and
a big HIP, HIP HORRAY for Thomasine Parrott, she should
be congratulated for her courage, perseverance and effort
at getting one third of the membership to sign her petition.
Now that's organized or at least a start. Lets hope the
international does something with it besides making little
boats and airplanes. That's why we need to continue calling
Jim Beardsley or Don Douglas at 313-926-5000 until we get
a response. If you want to be a participant, make the call
and even if youÕve signed, call, because we're not out of
the woods yet. If we're to get the international involved
we have to be persistent by keeping local 239 the thorn
in their side. Lets keep the ball rolling.
At the last union meeting way back in March, we were distracted
by a bogus strike vote. The union meeting on June 11th looks
to be shaping up pretty much the same way. Only this time
weÕll be preoccupied by our schedule to work Saturday the
10th. With members working six days they don't have time
to deal with union business on their day off and you can't
blame them. Our union officials must be happier than pigs
in shit with this development, because that means another
union meeting with low turnout. Whether this was scheduled
on purpose or not is anybody's guess. I think what we can
say for certain is that this is just the way our leadership
likes it, low turnout means less questions with bullshit
answers. It'd be a shock to our officials if just a third
of the membership attended to show solidarity for the petition
and demand the international get involved.
I'm beginning to think our boy is made of Teflon; nothing
seems to stick to him, everything works in his favor and
he could care less what we think. He pissed everybody off
with his appointments to Allison and shortly there after
we thought we'd get some answers or at least his take on
things at the state of the business meeting, not. He avoided
us by being a no-show, talk about disrespect. He does ten
unscrupulous things between the three-month meetings and
only answers to maybe two of them. That's pretty good odds,
it's no wonder he likes quarterly meetings. He still comes
out smelling like a rose. Speaking of odds, what are the
current odds of him being a no-show at the meeting on the
I'm going to continue keeping these issues at the forefront
and not let up until he retires, resigns, is impeached or
they close the doors. Preferably impeached so we can cancel
all his appointments and put respect and pride back in being
a union member. Something should be done regardless of the
future of the plant. The bottom line is keep calling the
international to demand they get involved. Thank you.
Sincerely, a Disgruntled Member